Monday, November 2, 2009

Uneventful Weekend

Three weeks until i'm home for Thanksgiving break! I could not be more excited! I miss my family, Dan, and EVERYTHING about Massachusetts! I love being able to go home anytime I can! I'm planning to be home for the summer from May to the beginning of September and I am thrilled! I'm hoping all goes well with my plans to do a study abroad in the UK, then returning home after. 2010 is going to be a fun year, I can already tell! I just hope everything goes as planned!
This weekend wasn't super eventful. I was home alone while all my room mates went to Provo, Utah. Two of my room mates ran a half marathon on Halloween. I am rather jealous of them! My goal is to do some kind of marathon or Tri-athalon. The second my weight comes off, I will be all over that kind of stuff!
Weight loss this week has been a little slow which is hard. I did a lot of walking this week and weekend and it was very refreshing! I love walking outside in the fall weather. Nothing really puts me in a better mood! I'm looking forward for tomorrow to go walking again! Sunday's are great to relax, but walking is my new drug I discovered and I can't wait till it's monday so I can go walking again!
I got my new order of Nutri-system over the weekend. I got a lot of new foods that i'm looking forward to trying! I hope this time around i'll be able to follow the diet to a T. I really need some encouragement! It's really nice to have my mom losing weight with me so that way I know I have some one who gets it, and knows what it's like. I can't wait to go back home and go walking with her! I really liked being able to do it over the summer.
This week is going to be a low key week and i'm glad. Not a lot going on, just counting down the days until break!
I'm heading off to bed now! It's a late night!
Thanks for reading! xx


  1. Yay for you! I'm trying to lose weight as well. I've got to work off 15 lbs of baby weight and maybe try and throw in an extra 5 lbs on top of that. I'm doing Turbo Jam and I love it! I lost 8 inches the first week so I am keeping my fingers crossed that maybe I will continue to have such great sucess this second week. The hardest part for me is the eating well. I love sweets. :) How is the Nutri-System? Does it taste good?

  2. Nutri-system is really great! It helps me control what I eat, and most of the food isn't half bad! It's all portioned out for you so its perfect and SO easy to prepare.
    Good for you for losing inches! I've lost inches and now my bras don't fit. Haha. But its such a good feeling to be thinner you know?! Keep up the work! We can push each other!

  3. That would be awesome! I need a weight-loss buddy. :)
