Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm just so darn thankful!

I'm really grateful for my Visiting Teachers! I haven't had consistent visiting teachers since I started at BYU-Idaho, and it is nice when people fulfill their callings! They don't realize who they can help and who they can touch! My Visiting Teachers are such inspired girls. They stopped by yesterday evening and gave me a lesson on love. They explained that we need to recognize love in all things. Which is true, and not only do we need to see love, but we should see the Heavenly Father's hand in all things. A sunny day, a child's smile anything that can make you happy!

They also shared a message with me that I know I needed to hear. I knew they were inspired to teach me about anger. I have the WORST temper and attitude of anyone I know. I get it from my father, I don't doubt it! :) They helped me to realize that being angry is a choice. I can choose how to react to a situation. Situations can tempt me to react with anger or push me to have angry feelings, but it's my agency to choose to react angry. One thing they said that I never thought of was that anger is a sin. It's feelings brought on by the devil. When I come upon a situation I need to act as Christ would.

I knew that once they started talking about anger, it was an inspired lesson. I've been struggling how to act and react with situations day to day. Hearing this I felt such a strong surge of the spirit. I know that Heavenly Father loves me despite my choices. He cares for me and answers my prayers. I am so thankful for all the things I have in my life, and the things I learn everyday. I love my Heavenly Father and I love the gospel! It has really been an strong anchor in my life.

Sorry to get all gushy and spiritual. But I really believe in doing your visiting teaching. You don't know what sister needs your help or even your kind company. I'm so grateful for mine!

Thanks for reading!

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