Thursday, October 29, 2009

BYU-Idaho 53rd Ward Halloween Party!

Our ward had our Halloween Luau this past saturday and it was a blast! When they announced it the week before I was really excited but I had NO idea what I wanted to be. My room mates and I always said every Halloween we should dress up as Michael Jackson, But now that he died, I don't want to be jumping on the bandwagon so to speak. So I though for a long time what I could be that would stand out and win the costume contest! I wanted to tie my love of Boston sports into some kind of costume. So I thought I could be Kevin Garnett, the power forward for the Boston Celtics, but i'm not a man or 6+ ft. tall. Plus i'm white. So i came up with my super amazing costume! I would be a crazed Boston sports fan! That way I could tie my love for the Red Sox, the Celtics, and the Patriots all into one!
My other room mates dressed up in some really cute costumes as well. My room mate Stephanie was a super hero she made up called Super Steph. Kjersti was a white ghost. Britanee and Hailey dressed up as a newly married couple with their costumes made from trash bags, and plastic table cloths. It took them all day to make it and they turned out really cool!
We also had to carve pumpkins with our Family Home Evening groups to enter into the contest. We carved them on a Friday night and we all really had a great time! At the Halloween party Our pumpkin didn't win a prize. But I won first place in the costume contest, which I didn't expect! I secretly hoped for it, but I didn't expect it. Kjersti won third place which was really cool! It was all in all a really fun event, and I thought it went really well. In the end we watch A House on Haunted Hill. But I left early cause I don't care for scary stuff much.
Here are some pictures from the party!
My face painting job. It took a hour to get it right.
On my cheeks it says "Believe in Boston"

My full costume. Paint, cape and all!

This is Stephanie's Super Hero Costume.

The party was in the stake center next to the temple. So we just took Britanee (Groom) and Hailey's (Bride) picture and the Rexburg Temple just HAPPENED to be behind them.

Kjersti the White Ghost. She won third place!

All of us together! Minus Hayley C. She went home for the weekend so she really missed out. I was sad she didn't come!

This was most likely the most fun I've had at a ward party at school! I forgot to mention the Polynesian Culture Club came and did some awesome dances since we had a luau theme. I am going to hopefully join next semester because I love Polynesian people and dancing!

Thanks for reading! xxx

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