Thursday, November 12, 2009

CRASH, Boom, Bang!

Well this week has been eventful! The week kicked off with me getting into a car accident with some friends. We were driving to Idaho Falls around 7 at night, and there was a deer on the freeway. The car in front of us swerved to avoid it, and we had to swerve to avoid the car in front of us. That led us to flipping and landing upside down on the side of the road! Let me tell you, it scared me so bad, I was literally praying that I wouldn't pee my pants among other things.
After all this happened, we kinda were hanging upside down, and I was crying due to being really scared. The guy in front of us who swerved stopped to check that we were ok, and there was a police man who was sitting to catch speeders wasn't far away and saw everything. He called 911, and then he tried to help us get out of the car. As we un-hooked our seat belts, gravity took over and down we went! I had already hit my head mid flip, so needless to say it hurt! All four of us climbed out and then waited for the ambulance. They came and checked us out, all of us were ok except my friend that was driving broke his arm.
We were all cleared to leave after we called for AAA and got the car taken care of. Then we were allowed to gather our things from the car. We got our other friends who were driving down with us in another car to come back and get us to drive us home. We made it back ok!
At the time, only the bump on my head hurt, but waking up the next day I felt EVERYTHING! I was sore as &#%@!!! It hurt to get up and get to class this week! I struggled most of the day with being uncomfortable sitting for long periods of time, but made it through. I'm still sore now, but i'm slowly getting better. Just have a constant head ache!
Besides all of those shenanigans, this week has been pretty low key. Just relaxing and trying to get better. My working out effort has slowed down, but I think i'll be up for walking again pretty soon!
I'm just really grateful one if us suggested that we say a prayer before we drove down. It seemed weird to me cause it's just Idaho Falls, and i've made that trip a million times, but I think it really helped to not let anything serious happened.
That's my week so far! Still counting down the days to go home for Thanksgiving! About 1 week to go! Hoorah!!

Thanks for reading! xx


  1. Holy Zephyr MIA!!!!!!
    I'm so glad that you are okay, thats a crazy accident! ( And I've totaled 3 cars, so thats saying something) If you can, you should really really think about physical therapy. It will help out in the long run.
    I hope you start to feel back to normal. ♥

  2. Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you are alright! I probably would have peed my pants. If you can you might want to check out a Chiropractor. I uses one my senior year in high school when my friend and I destroyed her car. I had really bad whiplash and burns. You probably have it too. It really helps alot. I felt better almost instantly. Hope you get better really soon! :) Keep us posted!
