Friday, November 20, 2009

I am grateful for...

So it's that time of year when people talk about what they are thankful for. I really like this time of year because it's helps me to look for new things to be thankful for. Big and small. But there are so many things that I am grateful for everyday.

I'm really very grateful to have two of the most AMAZING parents. They are always there to support Wendy, Ryan and I. They love us when we make mistakes and love us we succeed. I'm so grateful to know that they love me no matter what. I'm glad I can always have that support system behind me. They help my testimony grow and help me learn to be the person that I should be. I really hope to learn a lot from them and be just as great as a parent.

I'm really grateful for a boyfriend who loves me. I'm grateful for his patience. He is so understanding and supportive. He helps me to be a better person and to keep my full size can of crazy under control. He loves me no matter what and that makes me love and appreciate him all the more. He makes me smile and cheers me up when i'm sad. He also doesn't hate my guts when I explode my crazy everywhere. I love you Dan!

I'm really grateful for the gospel. The Atonement is such a comfort when I am feeling down and when I make mistakes. I'm grateful to have someone understand what it's like to be me. I'm grateful for the prayers that are answered. I feel blessed to know i'm loved.

I'm grateful for eternal families and knowing I'll be with my family forever. I can't wait to have a family of my own someday. I really look forward to being sealed to them forever.

This time of year is great to reflect on what you're grateful for. Count your blessings! I'm also SOOO glad to be flying home today. I truly cannot wait to sleep in my own bed! Yay for parents who decided it was about freaking time I got to come home for Thanksgiving!

Thanks for reading! xx

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