Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trying this out!

Well i've heard a lot of good things about blogging and I decided to why not try it out! I'm currently at school now, and I am so far enjoying my semester! I only have class twice a week so that leaves me plenty of time for working out and swim team! Doing swim team has been a lot of fun for me! It's helped me to step out my shell a little bit at school. I've never really done a club or sport at BYUI, but i'm having some really good experiences so far!
This semester i'm taking 13 measly credits, but the classes are still really involved. I'm taking Social Problems, Church History, Macro Economics, Business Statistics, and Coaching Principles. I'm surprisingly doing really well in Stats with a B+! But our mid-terms were posted today and my Social Problems grade was posted as an F. I thought that can NOT be right seeing as that class is a cake walk, and you have to truly try to fail. So I did a little investigating and noticed my teacher entered 2 of my test grades and a few homework assignments totally false! So I let him know of this and i'm happy to say I have a solid B+! HA! How ever now I have to call the registrars office and tell them my teacher gave me the wrong grade for mid-terms. Yay.
So basketball season started and I am THRILLED because I love love love to watch basketball! So that has made my week bright! I also got accepted to do another Disney College Program as a lifeguard and I am VERY excited to go back and do it! I had a blast the first time and was really glad to be an hours drive away from Dan the MAN (boyfriend). We were able to meet up a few times in Orlando where I was, and I also got to see where he goes to school and things in Daytona Beach! That was probably the favorite part for me because I was able to see where he lived most of the year and I found it neat!
I went walking twice today for 45 minutes both times and lost half a lb. today! Very promising since I've been in a weight loss slump for DAYS! Doing nutri-system is really great, but it is really hard to stick to the food after so long. My options aren't very large. BUT I am doing my best to make the most of it! I am very grateful for the opportunity to do it!
Well it's off to bed for me! Got another full day of class and working off the pounds! Still have a long way to go!

Thanks for reading! xxx

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