Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finals and Goodbye BYUI

It's here, the end is here! I'm sitting in the MC eating my lunch before my very last final. Then a NICE break for 18 months! It's been a great semester full of stress and lots of work. I hope that I can adjust to being at home for a month and a half. 

My plans for the break are sleeping everyday! I'm teaching seminary in my home ward for a day, and I've already got a speaking assignment for the stake. I'm also going to be spending my 22nd birthday in Colorado seeing my amazing cousin get married in the Denver Temple! :) She's one of my many cousins that I'm super close to and I couldn't be more excited to be a bridesmaid for her big day! I love her and I can't wait to see her and her family!

All through January I'll be preparing to leave and I have a few goals in mind to pass away the time. Read PMG all the way through for a 2nd time, read the Book of Mormon in English and Spanish, read Jesus the Christ and enjoy every last minute of sleeping in my bed. I'm excited to be the only child for a month. It'll be fun to see what thats going to be like.

Well I'm off to take my final then I am FREE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, enjoy your break cause you aren't gonna be sleepin' on the mish:)

    I'm kind of jealous you all get to go to Katie's wedding. I wanted to come, but it's just not going to work into our logistics aka traveling with three kids is expensive!
