Monday, October 18, 2010

Preparing to Serve the Lord

I am finding that preparing for a mission is so much fun! The highlight of my day, everyday is my morning scripture study. It sets the tone for my entire day. I feel so much closer with my Heavenly Father when I study. Preach My Gospel has been a great study tool. It gets me excited and pumped to just go out there and do the work. I don't even have my call yet and I am very ready to leave! I tell my roommates that this has been my absolute best semester, but I just want it to be over so I can go out into the field! Weird, I know. :)

I put in my mission papers last Tuesday and since then Satan has very much been getting in the way. He knows my weaknesses and makes it his effort to exploit them. I am filled with thoughts of fear, inadequacy, and stress about all I still have to learn. But as I've been more willing to put my mind and heart to the Lord's will, pray daily and fast weekly, it's been so much easier to deal with these thoughts. My Bishop told me when I asked him for a blessing a few weeks ago that when these feelings come, to think back to how I first felt when I decided to serve a mission. I think back to that time often.

I've been reading a lot of books in preparation, and I am so grateful I have! They give me so much more insights to what is to come and insights on the doctrines of the Church.
-A Marvelous Work and a Wonder By: LeGrand Richards
-Our Search for Happiness By: M. Russell Ballard
-Know Before You Go By: I can't remember...
-What I Wish I'd Known Before My Mission
By: John Bytheway

I have grown so much closer to my Heavenly Father this last month and I love it! He truly blesses my life. He is always there. I found 2 Scriptures that recently gave me great comfort. D&C 6:36 and 2 Nephi 9:52. Read them! I encourage everyone to read their Scriptures and pray DAILY! Give prayers of gratitude. Out Father in Heaven loves nothing more then to hear us say thank you for what we have been blessed with.

I should be getting my call next week and I am just dying of anticipation! My roommates and friends have been putting down their guesses. It's been fun to see where everyone thinks I'll go. The night I turned in my papers I couldn't stop crying with excitement! I fear what will happen when I actually get my call...

When I was in Europe we went to 3 different wards during our trip. Two in England, and one in Wales. This is the building we went to in Wales. I really thought it was cool that the title was in Welsh! They had another in English, but I wanted my picture with this one.


  1. I'm soooooo excited you are working on papers! Satan is a d-bag. I had some struggles w him working hard on me too. Just plow through it. You won't regret it. Love ya!

  2. Lindsy I didn't even know you blogged! I believe that I need to be following you! :)

  3. Yeah Mia! We are anticipating your call. I keep waiting for the days to go by. Is it Wednesdays that you receive them, or Thursdays? I am so excited for you! Good luck! God bless.

    p/s Being a Seminary teacher compels me to study the scriptures every morning as well, and I have grown to love it.
